2020 Pandemic [U.S]
I live in the United States where I will say, the 2020 Pandemic has been the worst in the world. For a long time I’ve been silent about it, as I was observing and taking it all on. My entire life changed, as well as those around me. We all stopped going out, socializing as we traditionally did, I stopped going to an office and worked solely from home, and I worried about my security in every aspect, as many other Americans did. I knew once the Corona Virus infected my town and many like mine life would never be the same, and watching this virus infect people was going to be very hard.
little did I know at this time it was about to set off so many historical events I wouldn’t even be able to process it. From my window I watched protests, riots, brutality, lying politicians, reckless acts of selfishness by my government, people lose their homes, their jobs, and their ability to provide for themselves and their family, AND no help on the way from anyone. I watched people die live on the internet. I watched authority figures beat people who were doing nothing provocative. I watched my own city trap me with in its walls. It was very hard to sleep or do anything feeling helpless from my home.
I spoke to a lot of other creatives during this time and we all seemed to feel frozen and unable to make work. I felt bad or like I had lost touch in my ability to draw. Anything I once enjoyed drawing seemed silly. Frivolous even. I felt it productive to turn all my social media into a hub of information and over night became a reporter for my small following. So much misinformation and propaganda was flying around it was a lot to keep up with. I wanted to pause, share definitions of words, informations backed by studies, and misquotes that were being blown out of proportion.
Historically Artists are both activists and members of a propaganda party. We’ve worked with governments to create campaigns to help citizens fall in line, and revolutions to tear the oppressive regimes down. This felt like one of those moments to me. All I could think to do was make work that helped a cause, for free, offer my tools to those who needed it for free, and to share a first hand perspective of what I was seeing. Yet I still felt so frozen.
It is not too often in one’s society that you experience such a traumatic event you build networks with in it to reflect and try to change, yet that’s what the Pandemic of this year set us all to do. Communities with no food or money, counted on people to find it, and build it back. No greater power has or will save them.
In asking myself what can I do to help, I just made work, and wrote about how it made me feel. Everyone else organized the food, money, and infographics. All I had was how I felt…vulnerability.
Below are the works i’ve made during October of 2020. The first time since the Pandemic ‘began’ in March I had made work. Each work had an elaborately written caption to encapsulate concepts and feelings of each portion of quarantine, protests, lack of funding and health care, etc, that the United States faced. It’s what I saw, what I heard, and what I felt. A true snap shot in time. And it’s really only the beginning. I do not know what will be coming next.
Let Them Eat Cake
@Kimkardashian 's "I am humbly reminded of how privileged my life is." Is the new "Let them eat cake"⠀
I am getting pretty sick of rich/celebrity Class Solidarity.⠀
Class Solidarity is an awareness of shared interests, objectives, standards, and sympathies creating a psychological sense of unity of groups or classes. It refers to the ties in a society that bind people together as one.⠀
People hoarding wealth could be doing A LOT more to help EVERYONE during this time in the pandemic. Using platforms for factual awareness, using their wealth to invest in the wellness of others. Or frankly just shutting up and not cluttering up the news with nonsense and pointless scandal. If there's one thing I think we could say has been observed during the 2020 pandemic it's that Celebrities, ARE NOT JUST LIKE US. They throw halloween parties [@kendalljenner] with safety to the wind. They promote hanging out in maskless conditions, and partying during a time where we are all sacrificing our social lives with social distancing and frankly losing our jobs left and right [us being regular civilians] ⠀
Reminder the 1789 French Revolution was caused by the 'common folk' starving wile the monarchy [remember Marie Antoinette?] held lavish parties, and at like, well, kings. Long story short, that ended with 'the people' beheading and eating the monarchy and other wealthy people. Thus the phrase of "eat the rich." ⠀
As my last drawing for Drawlloween, the day before the election - I'm just going to say we're all tired, and hungry, and worried, and stressed out. So when people like Kim Kardashian post about their private island birthday bash and show off their exorbitant wealth - it's pretty tone deaf, and we're all so sick of it. I am hungry for cake.⠀
This list includes the names of Black people killed in the U.S. by police and by civilians.⠀
Boiled Frogs
Don't get distracted by the wrong thing, and don't let anyone normalize something that's not normal.⠀
The boiling frog is a fable describing a frog being slowly boiled alive. The premise is that if a frog is put suddenly into boiling water, it will jump out, but if the frog is put in tepid water which is then brought to a boil slowly, it will not perceive the danger and will be cooked to death. The story is often used as a metaphor for the inability or unwillingness of people to react to or be aware of sinister threats that arise gradually rather than suddenly.⠀
No One Listens to Those Who See⠀
A first responder is a person with specialized training who is among the first to arrive and provide assistance at the scene of an emergency, such as an accident, natural disaster, or terrorism.⠀
USA COVID-19 Cases⠀
Personal protective equipment is protective clothing, helmets, goggles, or other garments or equipment designed to protect the wearer's body from injury or infection. The hazards addressed by protective equipment include physical, electrical, heat, chemicals, biohazards, and airborne particulate matter.
CDC recommends that everyone wear a mask over their nose and mouth when in public, including during travel. Masks slow the spread of COVID-19 because they help keep people who are infected from spreading respiratory droplets to others when they cough, sneeze, or talk. Medical masks and N-95 respirators are for healthcare workers and other first responders, as recommended by current CDC guidance.⠀
[Source: cdc.gov]⠀
Drink Bleach
What a wild time right? A man went on tv this year and told people to drink bleach as a remedy for the Corona Virus. That actually happened. He was also the President of the United States. Then misinformation spread all over the US about COVID-19 and no one knew what to think. A point brought up in my life time and time again is "Science is being played out right in front of us, so we are learning as we go." It's been interesting to see all the anti-maskers storming capitols, the spread of misinformation, and the WHO and the CDC scramble to tell us how to be safe. People got so twisted about information changing as we learned things along the way. People don't trust the President because every remedy he's offered [short of drinking bleach] directly benefited his wallet, and he's never once laid out a clear plan for recovery. He has suggested we all try drugs [with our stellar health system] that in paying for these treatments, it directly benefits the President's financial stake in the big pharma. FUN right? ⠀
Ya know dude, maybe you should just drink some bleach to help your Covid case. Just to be extra safe. You took an experimental cocktail of drugs only available to 10 people in the world, on our dime. Can't be too sure. We all probably can't afford another treatment for ya bud. ⠀
Eugenics ⠀
a set of beliefs and practices that aim to improve the genetic quality of a human population, historically by excluding people and groups judged to be inferior or promoting those judged to be superior.⠀
In the 1960s and 1970s, the Indian [Native American] Health Service (IHS) and collaborating physicians sustained a practice of performing sterilizations on Native American women, in many cases without the informed consent of their patients. In some cases, women were misled into believing that the sterilization procedure was reversible. In other cases, sterilization was performed without the adequate understanding and consent of the patient, including cases in which the procedure was performed on minors as young as 11 years old. A compounding factor was the tendency of doctors to recommend sterilization to poor and minority women in cases where they would not have done so to a wealthier white patient. Other cases of abuse have been documented as well, including when health providers did not tell women they were going to be sterilized, or other forms of coercion including threatening to take away their welfare or healthcare. Native American women and men do not fully trust the U.S. government due to forced sterilization, and remain skeptical of contraceptive technologies.⠀
A whistle blower from the ICE camps currently in place in has accused physicians of continuing this practice today. ⠀
We should really take the cover off of Women's mouths. ⠀
Excuse me, I was speaking.
How many more times are women interrupted over men?⠀
33% More often. ⠀
"Men should pause before they interrupt someone and consider the implications, Shore writes. For instance, you might ask yourself why you are interrupting someone: Are you seeking clarity on an issue—if so, make sure you give the floor back to the speaker after asking the question. Are you trying to help yourself remember something key? Then take notes instead, she writes.⠀
Women should push back if they are interrupted for any other reason than clarity, Shore says. You might stop the interrupter by saying you have a few more points to make, and asking that he or she wait until you're done. In addition, women might make small tweaks to their behavior, including speaking in shorter sentences, physically leaning in when they speak, maintaining eye contact, and using firmer language ("will" instead of "might," or "know" instead of "believe").⠀
Everyone should remember that different people have different styles of communication—and interruptions generally aren't "meant to be personal," Shore writes. Make an effort to learn about how others communicate.⠀
With regards to the gender pay gap in the United States, International Labour Organization notes as of 2010 women in the United States earned about 81% of what their male counterparts did. [Source: Advisary.com]⠀
When Women are 'PMSing' they have the most testosterone in their body than any other time. ⠀
those are some fun facts women think about every single day when we go to work, or function in our relationships with other people.⠀
Defund the Piggies⠀
This is the most 'fighting' in the streets I've seen since the Civil Rights Movement, which honestly did not look much different. My thought is, our problem with history is we're not following the money. Many of our NEEDED resources are severely underfunded. This has happened over time since the programs general inception after World War 2. You cant dismantle parts of our infrastructure and expect everything to work. We haven't done it with the economy during the Pandemic, why do we think these systems are impervious to losing funds. Like schools, arts, mental health, etc.⠀
74% of Americans said “police violence against the public” was a problem, with 42% calling it a major one.⠀
"defunding the police" simply means reducing police department budgets and redistributing those funds towards essential social services that are often underfunded, such as housing, education, employment, mental health care, and youth services. [Source: NYTimes]
Angels with Guns are Actually Demons
Notice where sources say "The militia group plotting to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer" or "Michigan Domestic Terror Plot Sends Shockwaves Through Militia World" there is a major difference in words and their meaning. This is also a GREAT time to take note of which News sources are showing bias in headlines like this. ⠀
Domestic terrorism is the unlawful use, or threatened use, of violence by a group or individual based and operating entirely within the United States⠀
A Militia is a military force that is raised from the civil population to supplement a regular army in an emergency.⠀
I also would love to know, when is enough enough? Movie theaters have been shot up, high schools, elementary schools, Gay clubs. When...are we going to say 'that's enough violence for us' ⠀
I'm So Sick of You People.⠀
RE: politicians ⠀
I know I'm not the only one who feels burnt out about everything being so dyer. Vote him out, having a voting plan, beware of voter suppression....all of that. It's all very relevant. At the same time, there's a weird part of me that is comforted by the fact there's someone out there who's just living off the land, and is totally unaware of politics, and money, and social systems like capitalism, and people fighting for imaginary power, over imaginary money, that has REAL consequences to the Earth. Somewhere out there, there's someone looking up at the same sky as me, just surviving with useful skills. Someone who relys on wits, and nature...not technology, and manipulation. I'm not saying one is better over the other, but, I'm stressed out and sometimes it seems so silly when you really pull back and realize that we do this to ourselves.
Plague Doctor⠀
Global COVID-19 Cases⠀
Global COVID-19 Deaths⠀
A plague doctor was a physician who treated victims of the bubonic plague. In times of epidemics, these physicians were specifically hired by towns where the plague had taken hold. Since the city was paying their salary, they treated everyone, wealthy or poor.⠀
they treated everyone, wealthy or poor.⠀
they treated everyone, wealthy or poor.⠀
they treated everyone, wealthy or poor.⠀
they treated everyone, wealthy or poor.⠀
they treated everyone, wealthy or poor.⠀
they treated everyone, wealthy or poor.⠀
they treated everyone, wealthy or poor.⠀
they treated everyone, wealthy or poor.⠀
they treated everyone, wealthy or poor.⠀
they treated everyone, wealthy or poor.⠀
they treated everyone, wealthy or poor.⠀
they treated everyone, wealthy or poor.⠀
White Snake. ⠀
Symbolically white snakes are a good thing. They're a sign of purity, positivity, new beginnings. In dreams they're meant to be optimistic. This image doesn't feel like that though...all I was thinking as I drew this was "I just don't want to see". Knowing these two things this image feels really hopeless. But is that true? I don't really know anymore. Is my hope dead? Is my hope trying to envenomate me? If it does, will I remain positive? Is this me saying I'm hopeless? Is this me saying I'll be ok. I don't really know. I think this is a feeling we all feel. At the end of the day...what is happening? How much longer are we to be isolated? How much longer must we be masked? What does life look like after "this" is over? And in the grand scheme of our individual life spans, this isn't a lot of time...7 months, to spend 'out of style' yet, it feels like a life changing perspective. This is all rather temporary if you think about it, but, it will effect us for the rest of our life
Trans Women Are Women. ⠀
"Instead of being impressed we can 'hang with the boys' ask yourself what it take to 'hang with the girls'⠀
I've been nursing the wound of a conversation I had with a family friend recently. I grew up with this person and one drunken night they told me that they didn't think Trans women were women. I dove into a very deep conversation about how violent of a statement that was. This year alone 30 trans people have been murdered, making 2020 the deadliest year known for violence against transpeople. So violent and ignorant statements like that, contribute to that number. Not policing our friends and loved ones about this issue contributes to the violence against trans individuals. I then asked this person 'what is a real woman then if trans women aren't women to him' and the thing that hurt me even more was that their definition directly correlated to their ability to interact with a woman's body [my body]. My value, my worth to my cis straight male friend is directly related to his ability to physically interact with me, which apparently if he can't interact with a trans woman in the same way that invalidates her. This also really showed me how sick our teaching of gender is, and how we really actually interact with each other. It is a learned bias. I'm just gonna say, Women, are stronger than any man could ever be. What men have built for women to navigate through, they could NEVER deal with. They could never have our strength, or grace. Being a woman is a feat of society. WE CAN MAKE LIFE, WE MADE ALL YOU MEN. So show some god damn respect. Get some perspective. And police each other better. I am telling you, Woman to Men, You. Are. NOT. Doing. Enough.
What radicalized you guys this year? For me over all it was the President's blatant inability to denounce White Supremacist groups, which grew into the over all treatment of Portland, the police violence in general, and just really needing to take a LONG and REAL look into my own white privilege, and the systems around me I directly benefit from. This included a much more active effort to become anti-racist and have hard and real discussions with the people around me. I'm sad about the unlearning WE ALL must do in order to be stronger for one another, but in this information age, there is absolutely no excuse to not know better and not actively trying to be better. Use your talents for good. Boot up other's voices with your privilege, and be a good neighbor. We're really going to need it. ⠀
In Death You Can Take Nothing With You.⠀
. ⠀
The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. I believe Greed is something all humans are capable of, and it is an impulse we must have virtue to control. Watching Majority Leader Mitch McConnell laugh maniacally in the debate the other day was BONE CHILLING. He giggled as his opponent listed out points to illustrate where the system is broken and thusly causing people to suffer, and frankly that he could be doing a lot better than he is [thus this debate]. The man, laughed. It just had me really reflecting on the saying "people over property" and thinking how 'people over power' or 'power to the people' are all mixed in there. Greed comes with stuff, and power. Somewhere deeply rooted in us it's a survival instinct to hoard resources and display dominance. but this is so weird. the way we are currently going about this is all so weird. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. The impoverished are forced to have their children to fuel the companies the richest people own. But at the same time, when you starve people...they will get hungry. And when you're eaten alive as a price for your actions, what happens in death? Are the diamonds still so sweet?
They Will Always Catch You.
Karma is a thing people talk about a lot. "oh he'll get his", "What goes around, comes around". Me personally, I think it's a comforting thought, but I don't think it's true. Sometimes terrible people get away with shitty things, and there's a million reasons why that happens. However, the more cocky people get about how much shitty stuff they've gotten away with, the lazier they become and make mistakes. This is how I feel about our current reality. When my roommate and I try to digest the world, it always ends in my loudly clapping my hands together saying "Someone has to answer for the numbers." There is always a value our society holds high, money, death toll, us, them. There is always something. These days the money is low, and the death toll high. Someone, will have to answer to that. Who it will be I can't tell you. but the numbers never lie. We're all trapped in our homes still. We're all nervous and scared. The whole world is watching. I feel the eyes on me all the time. Do you? I truly don't know when the other shoe will drop. I don't know what any of that looks like. but i stand by my statement. TOO much is happening at once. TOO many eyes are on TOO many precious secrets. Someone. Will. Have. To. Answer. To. The. Numbers. ⠀
White Su·prem·a·cy⠀
the belief that white people are superior to those of all other races, especially the black race, and should therefore dominate society.⠀
a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition⠀
Proud Boys⠀
Far-right neo-fascist male-only organization that promotes and engages in political violence. It is based in the United States and has a presence in Australia, Canada and the United⠀
Neo Nazi⠀
a member of an organization similar to the German Nazi Party.⠀
So What’s Next?
We've all taken quite a beating this year. As I was drawing this one I was really thinking about all the hard things we've faced this year. Or our loved ones have faced. When I need to put on a brave face to make it through something I'm not sure I can do I reach into myself and find my 'Touch Points'. When I'm my most scared or nervous I look back at the things that were so hard for me to do and I remind myself I did those things. #Facts. I try to pull out 3 or 4 and I repeat them to myself out loud sometimes and remind myself, They are facts! They are things I've done. We've all gone through 'the hardest thing we've ever done in our life' - then more comes. So there's some weird comfort in knowing 'hey I got punched in the eye and I made it' We are getting through 2020, what ever that means for you. The world isn't going to end, we're going to wake up tomorrow and keep going. So...What's next?⠀
Running out of Time.
Wile individuals can help recycle, and be conscious of their dollar, if you work in a company, make Sustainability an issue your company wants to care about. ⠀
According to the National Climate Assessment, human influences are the number one cause of global warming, especially the carbon pollution we cause by burning fossil fuels and the pollution-capturing we prevent by destroying forests. The carbon dioxide, methane, soot, and other pollutants we release into the atmosphere act like a blanket, trapping the sun's heat and causing the planet to warm. Evidence shows that 2000 to 2009 was hotter than any other decade in at least the past 1,300 years. This warming is altering the earth's climate system, including its land, atmosphere, oceans, and ice, in far-reaching ways.⠀
Am I Free?
Today I came across a video of a woman from Iran crying and explaining how much her jealousy hurt her in seeing everyone else live their life so freely. She was so jealous other women can fall in love with who ever they want, and other women can be who they are, and that she isn't empowered to do that where she is from. She was so upset, she just wanted to be free. I really feel for her. I really do. I feel like I'm always screaming that women don't have enough, and honestly, i feel that to be true...I feel as though i'm treated less than vs equal in a lot of situations in my day to day. I adapt to the world. But, that all being said, I am free to be who I want to be, and I am free to love whom ever I want, and I do have a lot more rights where I am vs where I could be. I am grateful for this. I hope it can stay that way for me. It's very possible it wont. Watching this woman say what she said really knocked the wind out of me for a second. It made me pause and take inventory of what I have. I think there's so much happening around all of us it's easy to forget positives, and happiness. I'm so beat up right now, and I know I'm not the only one. I started this drawing thinking about that not really knowing where it would go, and it's clear we're all just so tired....the eyes are so tired
I was sitting quietly as I drew this one, normally I listen to music as part of my process, but for this one it was just quiet. As I drew I was thinking about earlier in quarantine and what was going on with the protests, and the police violence. And watching first hand accounts from protestors all over TikTok and Twitter. I was remembering how that was the part of this year where I couldn't sleep. I was obsessed with watching what was unfolding because it was really scary. I have watched more people actually die this year than in my entire life. I was watching people get hit by cars, I was watching police beat the shit out of people who couldn't move, I watched someone get shot [and later they died] on a live stream. It was so, so much. Then I thought about all the things being said, and all the fast paced news cycles and allllll of that. Hearing triggering and traumatic phrases about women, their bodies, and people disappearing. Then following along and seeing more so than I have before Justice not be served over and over and over. We all saw these things, not just me. Some people have been seeing these things WAY before 2020. But still, We stay home to work, or we go out and risk it, and we kind of quietly adapted to the Pandemic over solving it...and I have to remind myself. This was so much harder than it needed to be. And if I feel like I need a minute to myself, not to be so hard on myself for it. This year has forever changed my behavior. And I don't even know all the ways it has yet. So, Just a reminder to y'all. You do NOT have to adapt to something that's not normal. This *gestures vaguely* is not normal.
"My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed." - Ruth Bader Ginsburg⠀
Replaced by Justice Amy Coney Barrett 10/26/2020 with a vote of 52-48. On average it takes 71 days to confirm a new Justice, This confirmation took 30 days to confirm this Justice. ⠀
Hypocrites. ⠀
Immigrants Are NOT Rapists and Murderers.
Holy shit. How DARE fucking Tr*mp say as a reason 500 kids in United States custody donno where the fuck their parents are say they were brought here by “coyotes and bad people” and Insinuate yet again immigrants are criminals, rapists and murderers. Immigrants contribute to the United States in so many ways and they paid MORE FUCKING TAX THAN YOU DUDE. Jesus Christ. All any one wanted was opportunity and you tore their family apart. Fuck you Donald Trump. Fuck you.
A Distant Letter
Since the pandemic and lockdowns became a part of my life back in March, I've followed the guide lines outlined by the CDC. I've socially distanced, I've been getting tested, I do see friends on occasion, outside, in a park. But I haven't seen my actual family in person or hugged or touched any human in 7 months. It makes you kinda weird. I'd never really thought about it before. I've never really been a naturally touchy feely person but when you CAN'T be that way, its interesting how it sits in your mind. How frustrating it can be. More than anything I just want to hold a person's hand. I know when that moment comes back, it's going to feel so weird...like I'm not supposed to be doing it. There's something to be said about being around the 'vibe' of humans in person. Virtually talking to someone is stimulating, but it's not the same. I've been thinking a lot about all of those facets of our social needs as animals. I think that's what makes isolation hard for people, in any circumstance, it's hard to feel alone, when you know you actually aren't alone. That nuance is what makes your mind crazy. All I want to do, is touch you. ⠀
Voting is Sexy.
honestly....enough said. Go vote! ⠀
Get a voting plan! ⠀
Boy In a Dress
Wile having a boy in a dress is some other people's "American Horror" it's not mine!. Here's a portrait of @yungblud I really liked. As I drew this I was thinking about how lately I've been having a lot of conversations bout gender identity with my Cis Straight friends and it's just been interesting. LGBTQIA+ rights are something very close to my heart, it's a part of my culture, and it's something that effects my life. Until we're all equal no one is free. There are parts of who I am, and those wha are around me, that are under attack. To be able to love who you love and be who you are is more available to us than ever, but it's still something we fear to lose. Dump being president really had us regress into our communities because of the violence and hate against us [see violence against transgendered folks in 2020 alone] the threats of roll backs on laws that make us all equal, the threats of hate groups seeking us out to hurt us, is a real thing we worry about. So I enjoy my Cis Straight friends are curious - it means they can teach others who may never know us. LGBT history isn't taught in school and there's A LOT of history to know - and it's relevant for everyone. I'll also say with the internet, there's no excuse to not know it now. Stonewall riots, the AIDS crisis, the Lesbian task force, How homosexuality had been misrepresenting as pedophelia in the 50s, 60's and some of the 70's and it's effected on people...LGBT history dates back through all of history but in the modern steps forward it feels like it's only a generation old. look up all those key points listed to get started. Be an ally! We'd love to have you. So all that said, it's pretty punk to be a boy in a dress these days @Yungblud - hell yeah. ⠀
Protect Black Women
This isn't an original graphic from me, this is from Megan Thee Stallions SNL Performance of "Savage". I don't know who created her graphics but they were amazing.⠀
I'm disappointed that so many other white women voted against their interests. And it's not even a 'trump vs biden' or 'democrat vs republican' thing. It hurts because after hearing all the things everyone says about women, rights, agency to their bodies, etc it feels like 'you're saying this is ok?'. But listening to black women talk about how that fact makes them feel REALLY hurts. Malcolm X said “The most disrespected person in America is the Black woman. The most unprotected person in America is the Black woman. The most neglected person in America is the Black woman.” Black women showed up, Black women have BEEN showing up. Marching with all of us, protecting all of us, fighting for all of us. Dealing with so much bullshit. Literally, the least the rest of us could do is return the favor. Couldn't even do that....again. ⠀
I am just so disappointed. I am just so sorry. I am so sorry to the 91% of the Black women who came out to protect all of us, and we can't even fucking return the favor. I am sorry for the way this national picture looks, I am sorry for the way y'all are treated. I'm sorry so many of us aren't at this party, or were late to this party. I will do better, I will make sure others do better. I appreciate you. I love you. I can never repay you for where we've gotten because of you. I will spend the rest of my days trying to return this grace you've given all of us, since the beginning. ⠀