Fast Twitch TV Commercials

 Fast Twitch is a new energy drink brand from Gatorade and I was responsible for directing all brand visuals through all video assets built for TV and Web


Create a commercial that can be scaled across television, social, and any other video formats that inform consumers about a new energy drink brand from Gatorade. Inform on the product feature and benefits through a mix of professional athletes, and ‘Joes and Janes’ in sport. It was important to tie Fast Twitch’s connection with the NFL into this TV spot as well.

What I did:

I was responsible for making our brand visual identity came to life through our commercial. I reviewed and approved story boards, advised on important color and visual elements to connect back to the new brand. I reviewed takes on set, and communicated with agency teams and the director to push visuals in an impactful way. I also reviewed multiple cuts of the commercial to ensure pacing was energetic, balanced, and clear in what we needed to communicate.

Launch Commercial, Played across Television, and digital. Star Athletes, George Kittle, 49ers. Steffon Diggs, Bills.
Custom track by SAINt JHN


Digital Bumpers, found on youtube, and social media

Digital Bumpers, found on youtube, and social media

Year 2 Commercial - star athlete George Kittle, 49ers
Television and Digital commercial

Year 2 commercial - Star Athlete: Karl Anthony Towns, New York Knicks
Digital Commercial

Year 2 commercial - Star Female Influencer Carson
Digital Commercial.

Project done in collaboration with:
Brand Agency: Big Space Ship
Fast Twitch Brand Marketing Team
Gatorade Sports Marketing Team
Production Agency: DOMO
Director: Andre Stringer
Custom Audio: SAINt JHN

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